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spider killer - Tipulogaster glabrata

spider killer - Tipulogaster glabrata
Lewisboro, Westchester County, New York, USA
July 13, 2005
First saw this guy hanging from a branch eating a small spider, went on a brief walk and there he was in this orchard spider's web consuming it. Any ids? Thanks

Images of this individual: tag all
spider killer - Tipulogaster glabrata spider killer - Tipulogaster glabrata

Hi Robert
I just had to compliment you on an excellent pair of images. What flash are you using?

Thanks Bill.

I'm using the MT-24EX, it's almost mandatory for the MP-E-65. Sometimes if the subjects are co-operative I'll throw in the 520EX as a wireless background fill.


This is a fairly astounding shot of Tipulogaster glabrata eating an Orchard weaver. I am not sure anyone knew they fed on spiders though they are in the gleaner group of robbers, meaning that instead of flying and catching prey, they hover over and around vegetation and spot prey that is sometimes stationary. This requires and entirely different form of visual prey location.

Hi Herschel,

Thanks for the info. Haven't really seen that much info on Robbers so I checked out your web page. You've got some great stuff there.


Robber Fly
This looks very much like a leptogaster.

Hi Charles,

It does look like it from the other images I see here. Cool name!


What great images! What camera gear did you use on these? (I desperately need new equipment).

Hi Bruce,

Thanks for the compliment on the images.

The closeup is a Canon 1DS which is a dust magnet and a Canon MP-E-65 lens which only focuses from 1:1 to 5:1. I keep it permanently on the camera. The larger view image is from a Canon Rebel XT with a Canon 180mm macro lens. For the most part I'd recommend the XT with either a 180 or a 100. It doesn't show dust as bad as the 1DS combo, is a lot cheaper and a lot lighter. I just happened to have replaced the 1DS and rather than sell it, decided to keep it for macro purposes.

Good luck,

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