Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada

Genus Dinoderus - Bamboo Post-powder Beetles

False powderpost beetles of the genus Dinoderus in North America (Coleoptera, Bostrichidae)
By Spilman T.J.
The Coleopterists Bulletin 36: 193-196, 1982

The Bostrichidae (Coleoptera) of Missouri
By Beiriger, R.L. and R.W. Sites
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 69(1): 45-68, 1996
Key and descriptions of Bostrichidae found in Missouri and adjacent states, as well as potential adventive species.

Abstract at

Additions and corrections to Borowski and Węgrzynowicz's world catalogue of Bostrichidae (Coleoptera)
By Ivie M.A.
Zootaxa 2498: 28–46, 2010
First page

see also(1)

A revision of the North American species of beetles belonging to the family Bostrichidae.
By W.S. Fisher
United States Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous Publications No. 168: 1-157, 1950
Online as Ebook or pdf at Google books.

World catalogue of Bostrichidae (Coleoptera)
By Borowski J., Węgrzynowicz P.
Mantis, Olsztyn, 247 pp., 2007
see also(1)

Molecular systematics and evolution of the Ptinidae (Coleoptera: Bostrichoidea) and related families
By Bell K.L., Philips T.K.
Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 165: 88-108, 2012

New Coleoptera records from New Brunswick, Canada: Dermestidae, Endecatomidae, Bostrichidae, and Ptinidae
By Webster R.P., Sweeney J.D., Demerchant I., Turgeon M.
Zookeys 179: 127-139, 2012

The Derodontidae, Dermestidae, Bostrichidae, and Anobiidae of the Maritime Provinces of Canada (Coleoptera: Bostrichiformia)
By C.J. Majka
Zootaxa 1573: 1–38, 2007