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Photos of insects and people from the 2024 BugGuide gathering in Idaho July 24-27

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Photos of insects and people from the 2022 BugGuide gathering in New Mexico, July 20-24

Photos of insects and people from the Spring 2021 gathering in Louisiana, April 28-May 2

Photos of insects and people from the 2019 gathering in Louisiana, July 25-27

Photos of insects and people from the 2018 gathering in Virginia, July 27-29

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Family Tineidae - Clothes Moths

Phylum Arthropoda - Arthropods
Subphylum Hexapoda - Hexapods
Class Insecta - Insects
Order Lepidoptera - Butterflies and Moths
Superfamily Tineoidea - Tubeworm, Bagworm, and Clothes Moths
Family Tineidae - Clothes Moths

Subfamily Acrolophinae - Burrowing Webworm Moths
Genus Amydria
Species arizonella - Amydria arizonella - Hodges#0328
Species brevipennella - Amydria brevipennella - Hodges#0329
Species californica - Amydria californica - Hodges#0329.1
Species curvistrigella - Amydria curvistrigella - Hodges#0332
Species dyarella - Amydria dyarella - Hodges#0333
Species effrentella - Amydria effrentella - Hodges#0334
Species erecta - Amydria erecta - Hodges#0334.1
Species margoriella - Amydria margoriella - Hodges#0335
Species obliquella - Amydria obliquella - Hodges#0336
Genus Acrolophus - Tubeworm Moths
Species arizonellus - Acrolophus arizonellus - Hodges#0341
Species arcanella - Acrolophus arcanella - Hodges#0340
Species bicornutus - Acrolophus bicornutus - Hodges#0343
Species cockerelli - Acrolophus cockerelli - Hodges#0345
Species crescentella - Acrolophus crescentella - Hodges#0346
Species cressoni - Cresson's Grass-tubeworm Moth - Hodges#0347
Species davisellus - Acrolophus davisellus - Hodges#0348
Species filicicornis - Acrolophus filicicornis - Hodges#0352
Species forbesi - Acrolophus forbesi - Hodges#0353
Species furcatus - Acrolophus furcatus - Hodges#0354
Species griseus - Acrolophus griseus - Hodges#0355
Subspecies capitatus - Acrolophus griseus capitatus
Subspecies griseus - Acrolophus griseus griseus
Species heppneri - Acrolophus heppneri - Hodges#0355.1
Species kearfotti - Acrolophus kearfotti - Hodges#0357
Species laticapitana - Acrolophus laticapitana - Hodges#0359
Species macrophallus - Acrolophus macrophallus - Hodges#0363
Species minor - Acrolophus minor - Hodges#0365
Species mortipennella - Acrolophus mortipennella - Hodges#0366
Species mora - Late Tubeworm Moth - Hodges#0367
Species mycetophagus - Frilly Grass-tubeworm Moth - Hodges#0367.1
Species occidens - Acrolophus occidens - Hodges#0367.2
Species panamae - Panama Grass-tubeworm Moth - Hodges#0368
Species parvipalpus - Acrolophus parvipalpus - Hodges#0369
Species piger - Acrolophus piger - Hodges#0371
Species plumifrontella - Eastern Grass-tubeworm Moth - Hodges#0372
Species popeanella - Clemens' Grass Tubeworm Moth - Hodges#0373
Species propinqua - Walsingham's Grass Tubeworm Moth - Hodges#0374
Species pyramellus - Acrolophus pyramellus - Hodges#0377
Species quadrellus - Acrolophus quadrellus - Hodges#0378
Species simulatus - Acrolophus simulatus - Hodges#0381
Species spilotus - Acrolophus spilotus - Hodges#0382.1
Species texanella - Texas Grass Tubeworm - Hodges#0383
Species variabilis - Acrolophus variabilis - Hodges#0385
Species walsinghami - Acrolophus walsinghami - Hodges#0386.1
Species mss-sp - Acrolophus mss. sp - Hodges#0355.4
No Taxon Acrolophus variabilis/macrophallus
Subfamily Erechthiinae
Genus Erechthias
Species zebrina - Erechthias zebrina - Hodges#0303
Species minuscula - Caribbean Scavenger Moth - Hodges#0304
Genus Euprora
Species argentiliniella - Euprora argentiliniella - Hodges#0461
Subfamily Hapsiferinae
Genus Tiquadra
Species inscitella - Tiquadra inscitella - Hodges#0427
Subfamily Hieroxestinae
Genus Oinophila
Species v-flava - Yellow V Moth - Hodges#0434
Genus Opogona
Species arizonensis - Opogona arizonensis - Hodges#0431
Species omoscopa - Opogona omoscopa - Hodges#0433
Species sacchari - Banana Moth - Hodges#0432.1
Species n-sp - Opogona new species
Genus Phaeoses
Species sabinella - Phaeoses sabinella - Hodges#0430
Subfamily Myrmecozelinae
Genus Cephimallota
Species obscurostrigella - Cephitinea obscurostrigella - Hodges#0324
Genus Haplotinea
Species insectella - Fungus Grain Moth - Hodges#0325
Subfamily Nemapogoninae
Genus Nemapogon
Species acapnopennella - Nemapogon acapnopennella - Hodges#0261
Species angulifasciella - Nemapogon angulifasciella - Hodges#0262
Species auropulvella - Nemapogon auropulvella - Hodges#0263
Species clematella - Nemapogon clematella - Hodges#0263.5
Species defectella - Nemapogon defectella - Hodges#0264
Species geniculatella - Nemapogon geniculatella - Hodges#0265
Species interstitiella - Nemapogon interstitiella - Hodges#0267
Species molybdanella - Nemapogon molybdanella - Hodges#0268
Species multistriatella - Nemapogon multistriatella - Hodges#0269
Species oregonella - Nemapogon oregonella - Hodges#0271
Species rileyi - Nemapogon rileyi - Hodges#0272
Species tylodes - Nemapogon tylodes - Hodges#0274
No Taxon cloacella-granella-variatella
Species cloacella - The Cork Moth - Hodges#0263.1
Species granella - European Grain Moth - Hodges#0266
Species variatella - Nemapogon variatella - Hodges#0275
Subfamily Scardiinae
Genus Amorophaga
Species cryptophori - Amorophaga cryptophori - Hodges#0309
Genus Daviscardia
Species coloradella - Daviscardia coloradella - Hodges#0312
Genus Diataga
Species leptosceles - Diataga leptosceles - Hodges#0315
Genus Dorata
Genus Montescardia
Species fuscofasciella - Montescardia fuscofasciella - Hodges#0310
Genus Morophagoides
Species berkeleyella - Morophagoides berkeleyella - Hodges#0313
Species burkerella - Morophagoides burkerella - Hodges#0314
Genus Scardia
Species amurensis - Scardia amurensis - Hodges#0311.1
Species anatomella - Scardia anatomella - Hodges#0311
Genus Scardiella
Species approximatella - Scardiella approximatella - Hodges#0308
Subfamily Setomorphinae
Genus Setomorpha
Species rutella - Tropical Tobacco Moth - Hodges#0428
Genus Lindera
Species tessellatella - Lindera tessellatella - Hodges#0429
Subfamily Tineinae
Genus Ceratophaga
Species vicinella - Gopher Tortoise Moth - Hodges#0414
Genus Eccritothrix
Species guenterella - Eccritothrix guenterella - Hodges#0422
Genus Elatobia
Species montelliella - Elatobia montelliella - Hodges#0425.1
Species carbonella - Elatobia carbonella - Hodges#0425
Genus Monopis
Species crocicapitella - Bird Nest Moth - Hodges#0415
Species dorsistrigella - Skunkback Monopis - Hodges#0416
Species laevigella - Skin Moth - Hodges#0415.1
Species longella - Monopis longella - Hodges#0418.1
Species marginistrigella - Monopis marginistrigella - Hodges#0417
Species monachella - White-headed Monopis - Hodges#0418
Species spilotella - Orange-headed Monopis - Hodges#0421
Genus Niditinea
Species fuscella - Brown-dotted Clothes Moth - Hodges#0411
Species orleansella - Niditinea orleansella - Hodges#0412
Species sabroskyi - Niditinea sabroskyi - Hodges#0412.1
Genus Phereoeca - Household Casebearer Moths
Species praecox - Phereoeca praecox - Hodges#0390.1
Species uterella - Household Casebearer - Hodges#0390
Genus Praeacedes
Species atomosella - African Scavenger - Hodges#0423
Genus Tinea
Species apicimaculella - Dark-collared Tinea - Hodges#0392
Species carnariella - Tinea carnariella - Hodges#0394
Species dubiella - Tinea dubiella - Hodges#0397
Species irrepta - Tinea irrepta - Hodges#0399
Species mandarinella - Tinea mandarinella - Hodges#0400
Species occidentella - Western Clothes Moth - Hodges#0403
Species pellionella - Casemaking clothes moth - Hodges#0405
Species pallescentella - Tinea pallescentella - Hodges#0404
Species niveocapitella - Tinea niveocapitella - Hodges#0402
Species unidentified-az - Tinea unidentified-az
Species unidentified-one
Species unidentified-two - Tinea unidentified-two
Genus Tineola
Species bisselliella - Webbing Clothes Moth - Hodges#0426
Genus Trichophaga
Species tapetzella - Tapestry Moth - Hodges#0413
No Taxon Tineidae "Clade A" Regier et al., 2014
Genus Homostinea
Species curviliniella - Homostinea curviliniella - Hodges#0301
Genus Hybroma
Species servulella - Yellow Wave Moth - Hodges#0300
Genus Mea
Species skinnerella - Mea skinnerella - Hodges#0306
Species undescribed-one
Species bipunctella - Two-spotted Mea - Hodges#0305
Genus Pompostolella
Species charipepla - Pompostolella charipepla - Hodges#0302
Genus Xystrologa
Species grenadella - Xystrologa grenadella - Hodges#0426.1
Species n-sp - Xystrologa new species #1 – Davis - Hodges#0426.2
Species n-sp-five - Xystrologa new sp. #5 – Davis - Hodges#0426.6
No Taxon Tineidae "Clade B" Regier et al., 2014
Genus Augolychna
Species septemstrigella - Augolychna septemstrigella - Hodges#0281
Genus Homosetia
Species argentinotella - Homosetia argentinotella - Hodges#0284
Species bifasciella - Homosetia bifasciella - Hodges#0287
Species costisignella - Homosetia costisignella - Hodges#0289
Species fasciella - Homosetia fasciella - Hodges#0291
Species marginimaculella - Homosetia marginimaculella - Hodges#0293
Species tricingulatella - Homosetia tricingulatella - Hodges#0295
Species n-sp-one - Homosetia undescribed sp. 1
Species n-sp-three - Homosetia undescribed sp. 3
Species n-sp-five - Homosetia undescribed sp. 5
Genus Isocorypha
Species chrysocomella - Isocorypha chrysocomella - Hodges#0298
Species mediostriatella - White-shawled Isocorypha - Hodges#0299
Genus Leucomele
Species miriamella - Leucomele miriamella - Hodges#0282
Genus Oenoe
Species hybromella - Oenoe hybromella - Hodges#0283
Genus Stenoptinea
Species auriferella - Stenoptinea auriferella - Hodges#0296
Genus Undescribed
Species undescribed - Undescribed undescribed
No Taxon Incertae sedis
Genus Corythophora
Species aurea - Corythophora aurea - Hodges#0476
Genus Diachorisia
Species velatella - Diachorisia velatella - Hodges#0279
Genus Dyotopasta
Species yumaella - Dyotopasta yumaella - Hodges#0322
Genus Hypoplesia
Species busckiella - Hypoplesia busckiella - Hodges#0320
Species dietziella - Hypoplesia dietziella - Hodges#0321
Genus Pelecystola
Species nearctica - Pelecystola nearctica - Hodges#0434.1
Genus Philonome
Species clemensella - Philonome clemensella - Hodges#0462
Species nigrescens - Philonome nigrescens - Hodges#0462.2
Species wielgusi - Philonome wielgusi - Hodges#0462.1
Genus Phryganeopsis
Species brunnea - Phryganeopsis brunnea - Hodges#0318
Genus Xylesthia
Species albicans - Xylesthia albicans - Hodges#0316
Species pruniramiella - Speckled Xylesthia Moth - Hodges#0317
Species n-sp - Xylesthia new species - Hodges#0317.96
No Taxon Tineidae - n. sp. 1