Species Hemileuca peigleri - Hodges#7744.3
A new species of Hemileuca from the southwestern United States (Saturniidae) By P. M. Tuskes Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society, 32(2): 97-102, 1978
Catalog of Parasitoids of Saturniidae of the World By Richard S. Peigler Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera, Vol. 33: 1-121, 1996
Curiously, despite "1994" being in the header, the footer states, "Paper submitted 5 February 1996; revised manuscript accepted 15 March 1996."
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A global checklist of the Bombycoidea (Insecta: Lepidoptera) By Kitching, I., R. Rougerie, A. Zwick, C. Hamilton, R. St Laurent, S. Naumann, L. Ballesteros Mejia, A. Kawahara Biodiversity Data Journal, 6: e22236., 2018
Kitching, I., R. Rougerie, A. Zwick, C. Hamilton, R. St Laurent, S. Naumann, L. Ballesteros Mejia, A. Kawahara, 2018. A global checklist of the Bombycoidea (Insecta: Lepidoptera). Biodiversity Data Journal, 6: e22236.
View paper at pensoft.net here. Scroll to bottom for link to excel spreadsheet.
Contributed by Steve Nanz on 19 August, 2018 - 5:55am |
Bombycine moths of America north of Mexico, including their transformations and origin of the larval markings and armature. By Alpheus S. Packard Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences 7: 5-390, 1895
Packard, A.S., 1895. Bombycine moths of America north of Mexico, including their transformations and origin of the larval markings and armature. Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences 7: 5-390.
Lepidoptera in the unpublished field notes of Howard George Lacey, Naturalist (1856-1929). By Kendall, R.O., and C.A. Kendall. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 25(1): 29-44., 1971
Full Text - BHL
Kendall, R.O., and C.A. Kendall. 1971. Lepidoptera in the unpublished field notes of Howard George Lacey, Naturalist (1856-1929). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 25(1): 29-44.
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 2 September, 2024 - 6:37pm |
Annotated Taxonomic Checklist of the Lepidoptera of North America, North of Mexico By Pohl, G. R. and S. R. Nanz (eds.) Wedge Entomological Research Foundation, 2023
• Pohl, G. R. and S. R. Nanz (eds.), 2023. Annotated Taxonomic Checklist of the Lepidoptera of North America, North of Mexico. Wedge Entomological Research Foundation, Bakersfield, California, xiv + 580 pp. (order).
• Pohl & Nanz (eds.) (2023) checklist in spreadsheet (Excel) format ( download).
Editors - When citing this work, please be sure to include the (eds.) after Pohl & Nanz to avoid confusion over authorship. If you have a copy of the book, it would be best to cite with the chapter author, i.e.
Contributed by Steve Nanz on 26 November, 2023 - 6:05am |
Descriptions of Some New Moths from Southern California By Harrison G. Dyar Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 10: 52–60, 1908
Contributed by Aaron Hunt on 29 April, 2023 - 10:08pm |