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Species Salobrena sincera - Hodges#5559

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Diagnoses of North American Phycitiae and Galleriiae.
By Émile Louis Ragonot
Self-published Paris, France: pp. 1-20, 1887
Ragonot, E.L., 1887. Diagnoses of North American Phycitiae and Galleriiae: 1-20.

The appleleaf skeletonizer — Pempelia hammondi, n. sp,
By C.V. Riley
4th Ann. Rep. Noxious, Beneficial and Other Insects of State of Missouri. St. Louis, MO., 1872
PDF available here

The Biology of the Appleleaf Skeletonizer, Psorosina hammondi, on Crataegus (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Phycitinae)
By G .P. Doerksen and H.H. Neunzig
Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 1974
PDF available here

The Phycitidae of North America
By George D. Hulst
Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 17(2): 93-228, 1890

Pyraloidea and their known hosts (Insecta: Lepidoptera) of Plummers Island, Maryland.
By Solis, M.A.
Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington 15: 88-106., 2008

Solis, M.A. 2008. Pyraloidea and their known hosts (Insecta: Lepidoptera) of Plummers Island, Maryland. Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington 15: 88-106.


From 1902–2005, 75 species of Crambidae and 48 species of Pyralidae were collected on Plummers Island, Montgomery County, Maryland. An annotated list of the two families is provided, along with photographs of all recorded species. The Pyraloidea of Plummers Island have wide distributions in eastern United States with some species occurring as far west as Texas and a few others ranging from coast to coast.

New species of Pyralidae
By Hulst, G.D.
New species of Pyralidae. Entomologica Americana, 3: 129–138., 1887
Hulst, G.D., 1887. New species of Pyralidae. Entomologica Americana, 3: 129–138.

A new pyralid from Newfoundland
By Dyar, H.G.
Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus, Washington 1 (11): 139., 1913
Dyar, H. G. 1913: A new pyralid from Newfoundland. – Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus, Washington 1 (11): 139.

Descriptions of Pyralidae from the Death Valley
By Fernald, C.H.
Insect Life. U.S. Department Agriculture, 6: 255–257., 1894
Fernald, C.H., 1894. Descriptions of Pyralidae from the Death Valley. Insect Life. U.S. Department Agriculture, 6: 255–257.

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