Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Melitaea arachne W.H. Edwards 1869. Type locality: "Colorado" [restricted to vicinity of Golden, Jefferson County, Coloradoā€¯ by F. Martin Brown (1966, Transactions of the American Entomological Society 92(3): 411).]
Melitaea monache Comstock 1918. Type locality: 8500-9000 ft. Monache Meadows, Tulare County, California
Melitaea nympha W.H. Edwards 1884. Type locality: Arizona
Melitaaea gilensis Holland 1930. Type locality: Arizona
Schoenis arachne (W.H. Edwards) Dyar 1903
Poladryas arachne (W.H. Edwards) F.M. Brown
Poladryas minuta arachne (W.H. Edwards)
Poladryas minuta gilensis (Holland)
Poladryas arachne expedita Austin 1998. Type locality: Spring Mtns., Clark County, Nevada
Poladryas minuta nympha (W.H. Edwards)
Poladryas arachne expedita (Austin) Pelham 2008
Poladryas arachne gilensis (Holland) Pelham 2008
Poladryas arachne monache (Comstock) Pelham 2008
Poladryas arachne nympha (W.H. Edwards) Pelham 2008
Explanation of Names
Currently treated by many authors as a species separate from P. minuta, but treated by others as a subspecies of [i]P. minuta. P. minuta & arachne have been shown to be interfertile when cross-bred by James Scott (1992).
W. Nebraska & ne. Colorado to California and southward through w. New Mexico and Arizona into northern Mexico. Not known to occur with P. minuta, but comes close and may meet somewhere along eastern edge of range in Colorado, New Mexico, and/or Mexico.