Explanation of Names
Pleotomus pallens LeConte 1866
pallens = 'pale'
sc US (mostly NM-TX-OK, plus singletons from KS & MO) (AL?
(1))) / Mex. -
Map (2)
Lloyd (1990) reported
Pleotomus pallens from east-central Alabama as "rare, "never" seen except in traps."
(1), but might this have been
Pleotomus davisii??
Larvae feed on snails; adult females do not feed (King 1880)
Life Cycle
The rearmost ventral segments of this [adult female] were glowing a fluorescent green inches above the ground around 11pm. The critter was under a short juniper tree, aiming its abdomen out towards a large clearing. (J. Lapp, pers. obs., 2012)
See Also
Pleotomus davisii LeConte - there are a number of e. US observations on iNat that are left at Pleotomus sp. due to the difficulty of separating pallens and davisii

- scattered e. US records?
Det. L. Faust, 2014
Print References
King H.S. (1880) Life history of
Pleotomus pallens LeC. Psyche 3: 51-53. (
Full text)
LeConte, J.L. (1866) Descriptions of New Species. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 6 (4): 67-168.
Lloyd, J.E. 1990. Checklist and keys to fireflies of east-central Alabama. Stridulator 4(3): 9-21.
Zaragoza-Caballero S. (1992) Variabilidad y registros nuevos para México de Pleotomus pallens (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Pleotomini). Anales del Instituto de Biología, UNAM (Serie Zoología) 63: 221-235.cite:748941]