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Species Ellychnia californica - California Glowworm

Ellychnia californica - male Ellychnia californica - California Glowworm - Ellychnia californica - male California Glowworm (Ellychnia californica)? - Ellychnia californica California Glowworm (Ellychnia californica)? - Ellychnia californica Diurnal Firefly (Ellychnia) - Ellychnia californica Lampyrid? - Ellychnia californica Unknown Coleoptera - Ellychnia californica Unknown Coleoptera - Ellychnia californica
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Coleoptera (Beetles)
Suborder Polyphaga
No Taxon (Series Elateriformia)
Superfamily Elateroidea
Family Lampyridae (Fireflies)
Subfamily Lampyrinae
Tribe Lucidotini
Genus Ellychnia (Diurnal Fireflies)
Species californica (California Glowworm)
Other Common Names
California Diurnal Firefly
Explanation of Names
Ellychnia californica Motschulsky 1853
10.5‒16 mm(1)
Sides of median black area of pronotum straight, diverging from apex to base, with a small antebasal lobe extending into roseate area; in the sympatric E. megista, the black area is subparallel to the base, where it slightly widens (no antebasal lobe)(1)
Throughout CA, more common from Sacramento to San Bernardino Mts(1)
On flowers and grassy vegetation, esp. in moist habitats(2)
Said to overwinter as adults.
Internet References
Curated specimen images: dorsal, ventral, lateral...from the Spencer Entomological Collection of the Univ. of British Columbia.
Works Cited
1.Ellychnia of western North America (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)
K.M. Fender. 1970. Northwest Science 44: 31-43.
2.Field Guide to Beetles of California
Arthur V. Evans and James N. Hogue. 2006. University of California Press.