Genus Phorticus
A synopsis of the damsel bugs (Heteroptera: Nabidae) of Michigan By Swanson D.R. The Great Lakes Entomologist 45: 40-55, 2012
Contributed by v belov on 27 March, 2013 - 11:30am |
A monographic study of the hemipterous family Nabidae as it occurs in North America By Harris, H.M. Entomologica Americana, 9: 1-97, 1928
*Use with caution, many taxonomic changes since its publication.
Three new species, notes and new records of poorly known species, and an updated checklist for the North American Nabidae... By Kerzhner I.M., Henry T.J. Proc. Ent Soc. Wash. 110: 988–1011, 2008
Full text
T.J. Henry's comment: "The late I.M. Kerzhner was our world authority and in the relatively recent Palearctic catalog (1996) he again reduced these names to subgenera of under Nabis. Personally, I was comfortable with keeping them as genera, but until further study, it is best to follow that publication and this one."
Contributed by v belov on 20 February, 2011 - 7:45pm |
Notes on synonymy and nomenclature of Palaeartic Heteroptera By I.M. Kerzhner Zoosystematica Rossica, 1993
Established synonymies in Nabidae, Miridae, Piesmatidae, Lygaeidae, Acanthosomatidae, Pentatomidae, Scutelleridae, Lygaeidae.
A synopsis of the Hemiptera-Heteroptera of America north of Mexico By Torre-Bueno J.R. de la Ent. amer. 19: 141‒304 & 21: 41‒122, 1939
Full text (parts of v.19‒20 & v.21‒22)
Contributed by v belov on 31 March, 2024 - 8:40pm |
True Bugs (Heteroptera) of the Neotropics By Panizzi A.R., Grazia J., eds. Springer. xxii+901 pp., 2015
Contributed by v belov on 3 December, 2023 - 7:04pm |
True bugs of the world (Hemiptera, Heteroptera): classification and natural history By Schuh R.T., Weirauch C. Siri Scientific Press, Manchester. 800 pp., 2020
Contributed by v belov on 13 October, 2023 - 7:50pm |
New state and provincial records for some nearctic true bugs (Hem.:Heteroptera) from the Ill. Nat.Hist. Survey Insect Collection By Swanson D.R. Great Lakes Entomol. 54: 104‒142, 2021
Contributed by v belov on 11 August, 2023 - 5:50pm |