Species Neopamera bilobata
The genus Pachybrachius in the United States and Canada with the description of two new species (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae). By Barber, H.G. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 60: 211-220., 1952
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Barber, H.G. (1952) The genus Pachybrachius in the United States and Canada with the description of two new species (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 60: 211-220.
Contributed by Mike Quinn on 6 December, 2024 - 11:11am |
Revision of the genus Ligyrocoris Stål (Hemiptera, Lygaeidae) By Barber, H.G. New York Entomological Society, 1921
Barber, H.G. 1921. Revision of the genus Ligyrocoris Stål (Hemiptera, Lygaeidae). J. N. Y. Entomological Society 29:100-114.
Contributed by Jason Botz on 18 December, 2023 - 2:49pm |
A second revision of the genus Ptochiomera Say and its allies (Hemiptera, Lygaeidae) By Barber H.G. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 55: 19-27, 1953
Contributed by v belov on 19 September, 2019 - 9:06pm |
A Generic Level Revision and Cladistic Analysis of the Myodochini of the World By Harrington, B. Jane American Museum of Natural History, 1980
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History vol. 167
A key to 56 Myodochini genera including 13 new genera and their descriptions are provided.
Available online at AMNH Research Library.
Contributed by WonGun Kim on 24 November, 2009 - 11:35pm |
The biology and ecology of the Rhyparochrominae of New England (Heteroptera : Lygaeidae) Part II By Sweet, M.H. Entomologica Americana, 44: 1-201, 1964
The first eastern North American records for the introduced European rhyparochromids Drymus brunneus (Sahlberg) and Raglius... By S.M. Paiero, S.P.L. Luk & D. Beaton J. Entomol. Soc. Ontario 151: 25-31, 2020
Reports the first eastern North American occurrences of the introduced rhyparochromids Drymus brunneus and Raglius alboacuminatus, and the first North American record of Gastrodes grossipes.
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Lygaeidae collected in Western Texas, with a new Lygaeospilus from California By Barber, H.G. Ohio J. Sci. 48(2): 66-68, 1948
A synopsis of the Hemiptera-Heteroptera of America north of Mexico. III. Family XI. Lygaeidae By Torre-Bueno J.R. de la Ent. amer. 26: 1–141, 1946
Contributed by v belov on 27 July, 2024 - 4:15pm |