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Chloropidae, Ectecephala sp. - Ectecephala albistylum

Chloropidae, Ectecephala sp. - Ectecephala albistylum
Ringgold County, Iowa, USA
June 10, 2008
Size: 4+ mm
Sweep net of pasture/grassland for the ISU/Iowa DNR Patch, Burn, Graze project.

Images of this individual: tag all
Chloropidae, Ectecephala sp. - Ectecephala albistylum Chloropidae, Ectecephala sp. - Ectecephala albistylum Chloropidae, Ectecephala sp. (wings) - Ectecephala albistylum Chloropidae, Ectecephala sp.(head & thorax-dorsal) - Ectecephala albistylum Chloropidae, Ectecephala sp.(wing veins) - Ectecephala albistylum

Moved from Ectecephala.

E. albistylum
Seeing the palpi would really help here. Using Sabrosky 1941, by the shape and size of the last antennal segment, I'd suggest this is E. albistylum. It looks like you kept the specimen back then; if you still have it, check the colour of the palpi. If they are yellowish, it pretty much confirms the ID, unless this is a species that was not known to science back then. If the palpi are black, this is rather E. laticornis.

Nice specimen in any case.

I was able to check. The palpi are yellowish.

The specimen is with
Dr. Debinski at ISU. I may be able to take a look at it in March. I will try.

Moved from Chloropinae. the additional photos make me more confident that this is genus Ectecephala, thanks for contributing. the antenna shape, the shape of the head laterally, and the shape of the ocellar triangle are distinctive for this genus.

Moved from Flies. something like Ectecephala; probably a genus we don't have in the guide but I can't ID it for sure from these shots. i need the head, wing, thorax dorsally

I don't have the chemicals to
I don't have the chemicals to dry flies nicely, they always shrivel up, so I have to keep them in alcohol. I'll see what I can do on the photos. Thanks!

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