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Exotic Stink Bug in California (October) - Bagrada hilaris

Exotic Stink Bug in California (October) - Bagrada hilaris
Webb Canyon, ~2000 ft. altitude, Los Angeles County, California, USA
October 7, 2008
I am hoping for confirmation that this is indeed Bagrada hilaris. I live in mixed oak/chaparral habitat and photographed this male (?) after rescuing it from our landlord's pool. From reading the comments attached to the other images, I gather that this exotic species is a relatively new find within So. California.

Images of this individual: tag all
Exotic Stink Bug in California (October) - Bagrada hilaris Exotic Stink Bug in California (October) - Bagrada hilaris

I agree with B. hilaris
It certainly looks like those I've shot - and even more like Hartmut's post. Nice find, Harsi.

I wish I'd tried a little harder... get better photos. I didn't realize at the time that there would be so few images in the Guide. Anyway, thanks for the confirmation, Ron! I'll probably leave these in ID Request for a little longer and then send them to Frass -- Hartmut's photos from LA County are WAY better than mine.

An alien
They'd better continue to be few. They were introduced from Africa. So far we have them only in California in the guide; not knowing where they are spreading, though.

I almost blew off the ones I shot.
I was just walking past them, rather rapidly, and thought they were harlequin bugs at a glance. Consider keeping yours, Harsi, as we don't have many images at this point. My images also suffer from comparison to Hartmut's. (Check the bee flies sometime.)

OK, I guess I'll go ahead and move them...
I suppose it might be of interest, if only to simply chart where and when these non-natives are making an appearance.

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