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Enicmus tenuicornis

Enicmus tenuicornis
Chisholm, Alberta, Canada
Size: 1.9mm
I've been working on some latridiid*s lately and noticed few Enicmus sp. in the guide, so even though this guy is pinned, I thought it might be helpful.

Features taking it to Enicmus: head without sharply delimited longitudinal grooves, prosternal process keeled and raised to the level of the procoxae, pronotum without dorsal costae, and others...

It can be separated from other Enicmus in Canada by: sides of pronotum strongly arc shaped; the head with median furrow; short tempora (the hind corners of the head behind the eyes are less than half as long as the eyes) which are slightly divergent; the depressions behind the middle coxae (post mesocoxal foveae) are shaped like half-moons; metasternum has longitudinal rugae (wrinkly lines just posterior of middle coxae) and first abdominal sternite has longitudinal rugae (behind the hind coxae).

I've tried to show these features in the photos attached.
I used combination of Hatch 1962, Downie & Arnett 1994, and Walkley 1952 to determine the species.
This specimen was collected by T.Cobb 1-2 years after a forest fire in Chisholm, Alberta (North Central AB).

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Enicmus tenuicornis Enicmus tenuicornis Enicmus tenuicornis

Enicmus tenuicornis (LeConte 1878)
Moved from Enicmus.
good match to the MCZ type

thanks a lot for posting this. The guide could use any amount of help adding reliably IDed species of underrepresented/neglected groups. Please take every opportunity to make valuable contributions like this one. =v=

will do
I have a few more to photograph when time allows :-} thanks!

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