Other Common Names
Sheep Moth, Common Sheep Moth, Western Sheep Moth
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Saturnia eglanterina (Boisduval, 1852)
Explanation of Names
"Sheep Moth" comes from presence of moth in pastures where sheep graze.
Variable. Forewing usually rose-pink and orange, usually with black bands, though sometimes absent. Hindwing is orange with a similar pattern, though variable: sometimes absent, sometimes covering most of hindwing.
Day-flying, reputed to fly fast and close to the ground.
Widely distributed in western North America: Rocky Mountains west to Pacific, from Southern California to southern Canada. In California found west of the crest of the Sierras, absent from San Joaquin Valley except for Sacramento Delta, found in southern California only in the mountains.
(3)Life Cycle
Larvae feed on trees, shrubs, esp. Rosaceae, such as rose (Rosa), Hawthorn (Crataegus), cherry (Prunus), etc. Also willow (Salix), aspen (Populus), birch (Betula).
Print References
Milne, pp. 774-775, fig. 571
Miller and Hammond,
Macromoths of Northwest Forests and Woodlands, #232, p. 107, photos of specimen.
Powell and Hogue, pp. 229-230, fig. 293, illustrate and describe H. eglanterina.
Arnett and Jacques, #244
(4)Internet References
Hemileuca eglanterina page from Butterflies & Moths of NA -
Image of larva & distribution map
Hemileuca eglanterina page from Pacific Northwest Moths web site
Hemileuca eglanterina page from Macromoths of Northwest Forests and Woodlands
Alberta Entomology -
Image of pinned adult & bionomic data
Specimen images:
♂ dorsal,
♂ ventral;
♀ dorsal,
♀ ventral from the Spencer Entomological Collection of Univ. of British Columbia
Moths of Canada -
Images of 2 pinned adults