Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Anarta luteola Grote and Robinson 1865
Explanation of Names
luteola — from the Latin "luteus" (golden-yellow); probably refers to the yellow hindwing
Adult: forewing blackish with scattered pale scales giving hoary appearance, reniform spot white with some black scales in the middle, hindwing bright yellow with broad black marginal band and white fringe with no checkering
Larva: black with thick white lateral stripe and dark reddish head
across the boreal zone from Alaska to Labrador, south to northern states
arctic tundra, subalpine peat bogs and wet meadows containing the larval foodplant
adults fly from mid-May to mid-July
larvae feed on laurel (Kalmia microphylla and K. polifolia)
See Also
Coranarta macrostigma has more dark scales in reniform spot and hindwing fringe is white checkered with some black scales (Pacific Northwest Moths)
Internet References
images of adults and larvae plus North American distribution map, synonyms, references (Moth Phototgraphers Group)
pinned adult images plus northwestern distribution map, seasonality, description, habitat, distribution, food, habits, references (Pacific Northwest Moths)
pinned adult images plus global distribution map and other info (BOLD Systems)
Contributed by
John F. Carr on 28 March, 2009 - 7:10pm
Additional contributions by
Robin McLeodLast updated 22 July, 2022 - 2:18pm