Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Hypena madefactalis Guenée, 1854
Bomolocha madefactalis (Guenée, 1854)
Lafontaine & Schmidt (2010) listed 29 species of the genus
Hypena in America north of Mexico.
Adult: male forewing grayish to blackish-brown; female forewing light grayish-brown with pinkish-gray in basal and subterminal areas (Covell, 1983); antemedial (AM) line dark brown with pronounced zigzags, sometimes hard to see in dark specimens; median is darkest part of forewing, shaded darkest just inside postmedial (PM) line; orbicular spot a black dot; PM line wavy; subterminal (ST) line marked by a color change, the area distal to it being lighter; light patch at apex, with dark inner border describing a diagonal line between ST line and outer margin; hindwing uniformly medium brown
[adapted from description by Lynn Scott]
Quebec and Maine south to Georgia, west to Arkansas, north to Wisconsin and Ontario
deciduous woods and wood edges where host plant grows
adults fly from April to August in the south; May or June to August in the north
larvae feed on leaves of Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) - and on Butternut (Juglans cinerea) in areas beyond the range of Black Walnut
Life Cycle
one generation per year in the north
larva on Black Walnut; older larva; pupa; adult
See Also
Sordid Bomolocha -
Hypena sordidula has the forewing more uniformly dark grayish-brown with less visible lines; no darker shading inside of the PM line.