A Taxonomic Conspectus of the Blondeliini of North and Central America and the West Indies
By D. M. Wood
A generic revision of the Blondeliini of North and Central America with keys and diagnoses of genera.
The species of the tribe Blondeliini of North and Central America and the West Indies (including Trinidad) are grouped into 55 genera. Included is an illustrated key to the genera, a diagnosis of each genus, a list of all generic synonyms, and a taxonomic catalogue of all species recorded from these regions, including their New World synonyms. Type status, type locality, and depository of primary type material is given for each nominal species. One hundred and seventy-seven new generic-level synonyms, 67 new species-level synonyms, and 321 new combinations are proposed.
Didyma fuliginipennis Wulp, belonging to the tribe Eryciini, was assigned to the genus
Ametadoria (see under lectotype designation of
Didyma volucris Wulp). Three new species are described:
Ligeria latigena n. sp., from Yukon;
Policheta crassisetosa n. sp., from Oregon; and
Steleoneura novemmaculata n. sp., from Yukon, Banks Island, and Victoria Island. Lectotypes are designated for 93 nominal species.