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Southern Fire Ant - Solenopsis xyloni - female

Southern Fire Ant - Solenopsis xyloni - Female
Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, USA
April 19, 2009
Size: 0.5cm
Ants from a colony whose members stung two children. The children did not develop the classic sterile pustules from imported fire ants. The mandibles did have four teeth, but the first is greatly reduced in size. There was no median tooth on the clypeus on the three major workers that I examined. The antennal club consists of two segments, and the second segment of the funiculus is over 1.5 times longer than wide. Sorry for the low quality images- despite numerous lessons, I can never remember how to work the microscope with the camera.

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Southern Fire Ant - Solenopsis xyloni - female Southern Fire Ant - Solenopsis xyloni - female

Southern fire ant
I mailed some specimens to Gordon Snelling who also believes that they are S. xyloni.

Its a good sign you have the native species.

Yes, looks like a fire ant
I think it is a Solenopsis, It could be S. invicta (the red imported fire ant) or it could be the native species S. xyloni.

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