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Unknown Beetle Found in Yuma, AZ - Polyphylla cavifrons - male

Unknown Beetle Found in Yuma, AZ - Polyphylla cavifrons - Male
Yuma, Yuma County, Arizona, USA
May 2, 2009
Don't know what type beetle this is. I also took a photo of it's side. This guy was happy to be just still and not moving up the side of the house. He's almost directly under a porch light at night close to around 10p. Temp was around 83. He's a gorgeous guy.

Moved from Lined June Beetles.

Polyphylla cavifrons LeConte, 1854
Male - not a female as posted.

Polyphylla cavifrons

Looks Polyphylla-ish, but don
Looks Polyphylla-ish, but don't take that as an ID. Someone more knowledgeable will probably weigh in with a confirmation

any guess is a good one. May
any guess is a good one. Maybe someone out there can pinpoint it . Thanks!

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