Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Plagiomimicus pityochromus Grote
(1), 1873
Stibadium pityochromus (Grote, 1873)
Schinia media Morrison, 1875
Phylogenetic sequence # 931661
(2) Identification
The forewing dark gray to brown with small sharp black bar formed from merged orbicular and claviform spots; dark brown triangle near apex; AM and PM lines whitish; PM line abruptly curved below triangle.
Hindwing grayish-brown.
Eastern United States and southern Ontario.
Edges of streams and rivers, waste places; wherever Giant Ragweed grows.
the main flight period is June to September.
Uncommon; rare in northeast (Covell; Moths of Eastern North America)
Print References
Grote, A.R., 1873. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, 1: 182.
Morrison, 1875. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 18: 123.