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Beetle? - Agrilus macer

Beetle? - Agrilus macer
Brazos Bend State Park, Needville, Texas, USA
May 29, 2009
Found in wooded area. This one looked like an okra mimic :)

Images of this individual: tag all
Beetle? - Agrilus macer Beetle? - Agrilus macer

Moved from Agrilus.

A metallic woodborer in the genus Agrilus. Nice image!

Thanks Eric
I was thinking Metallic Wood Borer but couldn't find this one in the guide. Glad you like the image, had to get down on the ground for this one ;)

Agrilus is a tough and very speciose genus...
...but i think yours is distinctive and has further ID potential. To my lay eye, A. macer in the guide is a good match

Thanks V
Perfect match. Thanks Joshua for the move too!

credit goes to Joshua
he's a bup guy who calls the shots around here, i was simply messing with a tough group i know very little about

Thanks Joshua! This is a very hard group to ID! And V, you are pretty good yourself, i've seen you ID many a beetle and bug for that matter!

You are very welcome, Tracy.
You are very welcome, Tracy. I think V gives me a lil more credit than I deserve. I just try to help out when I'm able.

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