Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
151534 - Necrophilus hydrophiloides

151534 - Necrophilus hydrophiloides
Olympic NP, Washington, USA
May 29, 1996
Size: about 1/4" estimate
I had this as Tenebrionid but this appears to be wrong.

Carrion beetle.
This is one of those carrion beetles that just got split out into its own family....doh! What's the name? Agyrtidae! Thanks, Google:-) The species is Necrophilus hydrophiloides. Quite common in Oregon at least. Found a whole boatload under a dead coot once.

Hi Eric,
Thanks very much for the ID. Strangely, when I went to add it to my database, I saw that there were 4 successive numbers with this name. Apparently this image got separated from the rest and was floating around as an unknown.
Well this is double confirmation then. I didn't have that new family name though.