Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Electrostrymon hugon (Godart, [1824])
Syn: Electrostrymon sangala (Hewitson, 1868)
Syn: Electrostrymon cyphara (Hewitson, 1874)
Underwings nearly identical to Dusky Blue Groundstreak, but upperwings golden-orange to rusty brown.
southmost TX to Venezuela -
Map (MPG, BOA)
Life Cycle
Caterpillars have been reared in captivity on leaves of Retama (Parkinsonia aculeata) but some sources cite Coral Bean (Erythrina herbacea) flowers as the host.
Pelham (2008) lists
Electrostrymon sangala as a synonym of
E. hugon with a note under
hugon, "Identity of this taxon was established by Faynel and Bálint (2004), Bull. Soc. Entomol. Fr. 109(3): 266-267, fig. 3." The note can be seen in Pelham's 2016 update