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Previous events

Ruddy Hairstreak at Bentsen-RGV SP - Electrostrymon hugon

Ruddy Hairstreak at Bentsen-RGV SP - Electrostrymon hugon
World Birding Center at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park, Hidalgo County, Texas, USA
June 13, 2009
I made my first return to Bentsen as a civilian today, meeting up with Texas A&M dragonfly guru Forrest Mitchell and his cerambycid-researching son Rob. I checked out a Berlandier Fiddlewood in hopes of finding one of the Telea Hairstreaks reported from Bentsen the two days prior to my visit; no luck there, but found some noteworthy critters including this one.

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Ruddy Hairstreak at Bentsen-RGV SP - Electrostrymon hugon Ruddy Hairstreak at Bentsen-RGV SP - Electrostrymon hugon Ruddy Hairstreak at Bentsen-RGV SP - Electrostrymon hugon

Electrostrymon hugon?
Pelham (2008) lists Electrostrymon sangala as a synonym of E. hugon with a note under hugon, "Identity of this taxon was established by Faynel and Bálint (2004), Bull. Soc. Entomol. Fr. 109(3): 266-267, fig. 3." The note can be seen in Pelham's 2016 update here.

I know that butterfly taxonomy can be controverial and I don't have any expertise so I leave it to others to decide. Regardless, I'll add the info to the Info page.

Must be strange to be a "visitor"!
Here is another place where we tried to make sense of these Texas caterpillars. Let us know what you think.

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