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Species Pisaurina mira - Nursery Web Spider

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British Spiders Volume II
By Locket, G.H & A. F. Millidge
Ray Society, 1953
449 pages

The natural history and taxonomy of Cicurina bryantae Exline (Araneae, Agelenidae).
By Bennett, R. G.
Journal of Arachnology , 1985
Bennett, R. G. 1985 . The natural history and taxonomy of Cicurina bryantae Exline (Araneae, Agelenidae). Journal of Arachnology, 13:87-96.

The Spiders of Texas. I
By W.J. Gertsch and S. Mulaik
Bulletin of The American Museum of Natural History, Volume 78, Article 6, pp. 307-340, 1940

Spiders of the Chihuahuan Desert of Southern New Mexico and Western Texas
By David B. Richman, Sandra L. Brantley, David H-C. Hu, and Mary E. A. Whitehouse
Southwestern Association of Naturalists, 2011

Spiders of Connecticut
By Kaston, B. J.
Bulletin of the Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey 70: 1-874, 1948

Recensio critica aranearum suecicarum quas descripserunt Clerckius, Linnaeus, de Geerus
By Thorell, T
Nova acta Regiae Societatis Scientarum Upsaliensis (3) 2(1):61–176., 1856
Thorell, T. 1856. Recensio critica aranearum suecicarum quas descripserunt Clerckius, Linnaeus, de Geerus. Nova acta Regiae Societatis Scientarum Upsaliensis (3) 2(1): 61–176.

New records of spiders (Araneae) from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, including two possible European immigrants
By Edwards, R.L.
Entomological News, 1993
Edwards, R.L. 1993. New records of spiders (Araneae) from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, including two possible European immigrants. Entomological News, 104: 79–82.

Systematics of the mygalomorph spider genus Masteria (Masteriinae: Dipluridae: Arachnida)
By Raven, R. J.
Australian Journal of Zoology 27(4): 623-636, 1979

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