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Species Pisaurina mira - Nursery Web Spider

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Communities of ground-living spiders in six habitats on a mountain in Quebec, Canada
By Seppo Koponen
Holarctic Ecology 10(4): 278-285, 1987

An annotated checklist of the spiders of Newfoundland
By J. R. Pickavance & C. D. Dondale
The Canadian Field Naturalist 119: 254-275, 2005

The spider species of the Great Lakes states
By Petra Sierwald et al.
Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 114(2): 111–206, 2005
There's a downloadable PDF copy available on right now, however I didn't want to link to it because it automatically downloads. You can google the title and find it easily, though, if you don't mind that (or email me and I can share a copy).

Spiders of the North Woods, 2nd edition
By Larry Weber
Kollath-Stensaas Publishing, 2013
240 pages, 2 edition (June 4, 2013), Many new species added.

Field Guide to the Spiders of California and the Pacific Coast States (California Natural History Guides)
By Richard J. Adams (Author) , Timothy D. Manolis (Illustrator)
University of California Press, 2014
With over 40,000 described species, spiders have adapted to nearly every terrestrial environment across the globe. Over half of the world’s spider families live within the three contiguous Pacific Coast states—not surprising considering the wide variety of habitats, from mountain meadows and desert dunes to redwood forests and massive urban centers. This beautifully illustrated, accessible guide covers all of the families and many of the genera found along the Pacific Coast, including introduced species and common garden spiders. The author provides readers with tools for identifying many of the region’s spiders to family, and when possible, genus and species. He discusses taxonomy, distribution, and natural history as well as what is known of the habits of the spiders, the characters of families, and references to taxonomic revisions of the pertinent genera. Full-color plates for each family bring to life the incredible diversity of this ancient arachnid order.

Results of the Yale Peruvian Expedition of 1911. The Arachnida.
By Ralph Chamberlin
Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology Harvard 60: 177-299, 1916

The spiders of Quebec: update, additions and corrections
By Pierre Paquin & Nadine Dupérré
Zootaxa 1133: 1-37, 2006
Not currently available for free download online (must have Zootaxa subscription).

Miscellaneous new American spiders
By Chamberlin, R. V. & W. Ivie
University of Utah 26(4): 1-79, 1935
Full text available in USpace, University of Utah's reference system.

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