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Corticaria rubripes - male

Corticaria rubripes - Male
~90 km NW of Peace River, Alberta, Canada
Size: 1.8 mm
I collected this beetle from a log of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) wood in August 2008. Worked on the identification and sent digital photos to Wolfgang Rucker who graciously aided me in the determination to Corticaria rubripes. The beetle is a little beaten up in these photos due to my dissection :-}

This species is quite elongate, smooth, often dark black tinged with red-brown. Size ranges from 1.8-2.0 mm. Pubescence of elytra is short. Thorax & head are quite punctate.

Images of this individual: tag all
Corticaria rubripes - male Corticaria rubripes - male Corticaria rubripes - male Corticaria rubripes - male Corticaria rubripes - male Corticaria rubripes - male

Moved from Corticaria.

thanks a lot, Charlene --
this would be just the third species name for this genus! please take a look at other corticariines, maybe you'll manage to add some IDs to sort them out at least to genera. The group cries for attention...

it's a fun (challenging) group, and I'll try to work on the existing corticariines, but I have found it difficult to ID from photos and with outdated keys :-}

agree on all counts

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