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Genus Erioptera

Green Midge ? - Erioptera chlorophylla Erioptera caliptera? - Erioptera caliptera - male Crane Fly - Erioptera venusta green crane fly - Erioptera chlorophylla Little fly - Erioptera venusta Dark-banded crane fly - Erioptera venusta midge - Erioptera Erioptera septemtrionis - female
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Diptera (Flies)
No Taxon ("Nematocera" (Non-Brachycera))
Infraorder Tipulomorpha (Crane Flies)
Family Limoniidae (Limoniid Crane Flies)
Tribe Eriopterini
Genus Erioptera
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Former subgenus Symplecta is treated as a separate genus on BugGuide
Explanation of Names
Erioptera Meigen 1803
90 spp. in North America, ~300 total
body 2.5-7 mm
small crane flies variously colored pale green, brownish-yellow, dark brown, or grayish, with or without markings on wings and body
larvae of many species develop in moist or saturated earth near water edges; adults are found in low vegetation near water or in various other habitats such as woodlands and grasslands
spring through fall (or spring and again in fall, in some species)