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spider unknown - Cyclocosmia truncata - male

spider unknown - Cyclocosmia truncata - Male
Natchez Trace Parkway at Tennessee River, Colbert County, Alabama, USA
August 29, 2005
Size: 15 mm
My son and I encountered this spider while looking for coastal birds blown in by Hurricane Katrina. I've never seen anything like this in northwest Alabama and was wondering if it may have been blown in by the hurricane.

Adult male Cyclocosmia truncata -- very nice find!

These spiders are more common than we have been led to believe, but they are seldom seen. I know of several places in Alabama where they are abundant, and I have also collected this species in Tennessee. The other species (C. torreya) is fairly common in Florida if you know where (and how) to look!

Moved to "Cyclocosmia truncata" Guide Page
Created and added your image to the guide. Thank you for submitting a such a great find (plus we were able to add another genus and species of spider)!!

This picture is
a dead ringer for Cyclocosmia truncata in my Golden Guide to Spiders. That's a type of trapdoor spider. (I don't know if there are other similar looking species, however...and I can't be sure the scientific name hasn't changed)See Guide Pages.

Holy cow!
What a great find! Lynette is right on, this is Cyclocosmia truncata. She uses her hardened, squared-off abdomen to block her burrow when danger threatens. Very seldom seen animal, thanks for sharing the image.

Thanks for the id. I sent the photo to a prof at the local university and he put the same name on it, commenting that it is a local species. I suppose it got flooded out of its burrow by Katrina.

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