Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
formerly Lacanobia lutra
Explanation of Names
LUTRA: Lutra is the otter genus, giving rise to the common name Otter Spiramater; perhaps the describer of the species [Guenee in 1852] thought the coloration in some way resembled that of otter fur? (comment by Bob Patterson)
Adult: forewing dark brown or blackish with pale (often pinkish) reniform spot, anal patch, and basal patch
Larva: early instars green, later instars brown with a line of black dots down the back
British Columbia to Newfoundland, south in the east at least to Maryland, south in the west to Arizona
adults fly from May to July
larvae feed on alder, arbutus, birch, buffalo-berry (Shepherdia canadensis), choke cherry, fir, gooseberry, hazel, hemlock, pine, poplar, spruce, tamarack, willow
The genus Spiramater is misspelled "Spirameter" at a number of web sites.
See Also
Spiramater grandis (Grand Arches) has a light gray subterminal area, lacks pinkish markings, and has a conspicuous W shape half-way along the terminal line on the forewing. Compare images of
both species.
Internet References
live larvae and adult images plus larval description and food plants (Jeremy Tatum, Butterflies and Moths of Southern Vancouver Island)
pinned adult image (John Glaser, Maryland)
pinned adult image (Bruce Walsh, Moths of Southeastern Arizona)
pinned adult image (A.W. Thomas, Canadian Forest Service)
larval food plants and adult flight season (Ohio State U.)