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Lake Crabtree Co. Park, Wake County, North Carolina, USA
August 13, 2005
Troy found this one (I'm sure he has better pics than this one). He told me what it is, but I've forgotten. :)

Moved from Argyrodes.

It is eating the orb weaver,
and it is most likely dead. The 7 folded legs and the 1 hind leg the dead spider is hanging from are good indicators. Also, if the Argyrodes venom is potent and fast acting, like a green lnyx or crab spider for example, it is very possible it killed the orb weaver.
Great shot, Lynette.
Jeff Hollenbeck

This large weaver does not look dead. But if it becomes morbid the Argyrodes will certainly feed on it. I seriously doubt it would take on the task of killing it however.

We read here in the guide that they feed on other spiders, but didn't imagine they fed on ones so much bigger than themselves! Great find, guys. Looks like the hikes with Patrick were fascinating.

we found some interesting stuff....but didn't have to hike to do it. We found all this within a hundred yards of where we parked the cars. :) It was SO hot that day, I couldn't have survived a hike.

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