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honeybee - Apis mellifera

honeybee - Apis mellifera
Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA
July 14, 2009
Ok this is a honeybee. But are there different species of honeybee, like i know the africanized honeybee, but are there other species? And what are the common honeybees called?

European honeybee.

Moved from ID Request.

Apis mellifera, European honeybee
Is the common European honeybee. The guide page has this to say about subspecies. This was new info to me.

"There are about 2 dozen recognized subspecies with maybe half a dozen present in the gene pool of our area. Wild bees are mostly hybrids, though usually one of their parent subspecies predominates.

It should be mentioned that the subspecies referred to here are more geographical races than true subspecies, but it's hard to find a solid consensus as to what the correct replacement terminology should be."

yeah, because i see different kinds of honeybee that look very similar but their abdomen pattern is slightly different.

Coloration variations
Yes, their coloration ranges from blonde to brunette. Moreover, they tend to get darker as they age and lose some of the hair.
This one has been visiting the milkweed flowers and have several pollinia clinging to her legs.

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