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Subfamily Curculioninae

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Weevils of Kansas - A Manual for Identification
By Glenn Arthur Salsbury
Private/Self, 2000
Detailed keys and black & white habitus photographs for each of the over 500 weevil species known in Kansas. Limited first edition (2000) is spiral-bound 656 pages; possible subsequent revisions?

Rhynchophora or weevils of North Eastern America
By Blatchley and Leng.
Nature Publishing Co., Indianapolis, Indiana. 682 pp., 1916
Full Text with Images - Google Book Search

Willis Stanley Blatchley, Charles William Leng. 1916. Rhynchophora or weevils of North Eastern America. Nature Publishing Co., Indianapolis, Indiana. 682 pp.

This work was begun by the senior author, W. S. Blatchley, as a continuation or supplement to his "Coleoptera or Beetles of Indiana,'' published in 1910. After about one-third of the manuscript had been completed the junior author. Chas. W. Leng, wrote that he had a similar work in progress on the Atlantic Coast species of Rhynchophora and proposed that the two works be combined and the geographical scope enlarged so as to include the United States and Canada east of the Mississippi River. After due consideration the arrangement of a joint authorship was agreed upon, the works as begun were merged, enlarged and mostly rewritten, and the book as issued is the result.

Cooperative catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera Curculionoidea, 2nd ed.
By Alonso-Zarazaga MA, Barrios H, Borovec R, Bouchard P, Caldara R, Colonnelli E, Gültekin L, Hlaváč P, Korotyaev B, Lyal CHC,..
Monografías electrónicas S.E.A., 2023
Authors (cont'd): ...Machado A, Meregalli A, Pierotti H, Ren L, Sánchez-Ruiz M, Sforzi A, Silfverberg H, Skuhrovec J, Trýzna M, Velázquez de Castro AJ, Yunakov NN

Adventive weevils recorded from North America: A review and illustrated manual for their identification...
By Hoebeke E.R., LaBonte J.R., Loeffler K.E.
Coleopterists Soc. Special Publication 5: 1–604, 219 plates, 2024
Full title: Adventive weevils recorded from North America: A review and illustrated manual for their identification (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea, excluding Scolytinae)

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Notes on the Rhynchophora of Eastern North America, with characterizations of new genera and descriptions of new species.
By Blatchley, W.S.
Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 30(2): 95-106., 1922
Full Text - BHL

Blatchley, W.S. 1922. Notes on the Rhynchophora of eastern North America, with characterizations of new genera and descriptions of new species. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 30(2): 95-106.

New Rhynchophora I. (Coleoptera, Anthribidae and Curculionidae).
By Sleeper, E.L.
The Ohio Journal of Science, 54(2): 117-125., 1954
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Sleeper, E.L. 1954. New Rhynchophora I. (Coleoptera, Anthribidae and Curculionidae). The Ohio Journal of Science, 54(2): 117-125.

New records of Curculionoidea from Newfoundland and Labrador, with the first records of Orthochaetes setiger (Beck)...
By Langor D.W., Anderson R.S., Bouchard P., Langor S.D.
Zookeys 1136: 125–162, 2022
Full title: New records of Curculionoidea from Newfoundland and Labrador, with the first records of Orthochaetes setiger (Beck) (Curculionidae, Curculioninae, Styphlini) for North America
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A study of the subtribe Hydronomi with a description of new species, (Curculionidae), Study No. VI
By Tanner V.M.
Gr. Basin Nat. 4: 1-38, 1943

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