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For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
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Moths Butterflies Flies Caterpillars Flies Dragonflies Flies Mantids Cockroaches Bees and Wasps Walkingsticks Earwigs Ants Termites Hoppers and Kin Hoppers and Kin Beetles True Bugs Fleas Grasshoppers and Kin Ticks Spiders Scorpions Centipedes Millipedes

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Photos of insects and people from the 2024 BugGuide gathering in Idaho July 24-27

Moth submissions from National Moth Week 2024

Photos of insects and people from the 2022 BugGuide gathering in New Mexico, July 20-24

Photos of insects and people from the Spring 2021 gathering in Louisiana, April 28-May 2

Photos of insects and people from the 2019 gathering in Louisiana, July 25-27

Photos of insects and people from the 2018 gathering in Virginia, July 27-29

Previous events


Genus Bombus - Bumble Bees

The information below is based on images submitted and identified by contributors. Range and date information may be incomplete, overinclusive, or just plain wrong.

Contributed Images Map No Images   Images
Range map for Bumble Bees

Hover over black occurrence boxes to see number of images submitted. Log in to make states, months and boxes clickable.
Alabama  711710107105 
Alaska   5315987374   
Alberta   3346753988   
Arizona  22262241293221 
Arkansas   1382622287 
British Columbia  9429477116614210  
Colorado   74093328250578  
Connecticut   114712610  
Delaware   63127253 1
District of Columbia    3103  4  
Georgia 2 410231415239 1
Idaho  3154226653721   
Illinois  21541421071536723  
Indiana   762738191451 
Iowa   181653741058914  
Kansas   5114634505231  
Kentucky   7101514121182 
Louisiana  33373761992 
Maine   51330656086  
Manitoba    21191573  
Maryland  21713901316676244 
Massachusetts 31194291056645191 
Michigan  28782934251  
Minnesota    254272112632  
Mississippi   521614811 
Missouri  4 1130231728101 
Montana   5293960382011  
Nebraska   81219554110114  
Nevada    31115374 3
New Brunswick   11618164415151 
New Hampshire   961247361224  
New Jersey   627347324118  
New Mexico  315312518146  
New York  322218620513351452 
Newfoundland/Labrador    4152286 3 
North Carolina  4172692823543108 
North Dakota    61121114  
Northwest Territories   141335    
Nova Scotia    232613  
Nunavut      1     
Ohio   752863281482 
Oklahoma  113301420391832 
Ontario   1539126195216123381 
Pennsylvania  341501082359525172 
Prince Edward Island         1  
Quebec    42223363510  
Rhode Island     617181 1
Saskatchewan   230172771103  
South Carolina 13110915914551
South Dakota    7 171043  
Tennessee  4141622303312143 
Texas  1412325466563219 
Utah   882041722711  
Vermont   21763022146  
Virginia  22142486926762273 
West Virginia     322526  
Wisconsin   5598721732210219  
Wyoming    2193339131  
Yukon Territory    48508