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Sawfly - Janus integer

Sawfly - Janus integer
Elkton, Douglas County, Oregon, USA
June 10, 2009
Size: approx 10mm
The head/eyes and front wings make me think Sawfly.

Help to be more specific would be appreciated.

Moved from Stem Sawflies.

Janus integer (Norton). Larvae are stem borers in Ribes.

Moved from Common Sawflies.

Nice clear picture. Should be able to do more. I'll compare with specimens in collection and get back to this.

Dr. Smith is currently working on our sawflies, and there's a very good chance you'll get a reliable ID soon [within a few weeks, i hope]

Thanks V,
I look forward to hearing Dr. Smith's comments. I have several posts in sawflies hoping for a species ID, and I'm doing a sequence on a pear slug that is now in pupa stage - which I'm hoping will reveal itself as an adult soon.


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