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Genus Chrysoperla - Common Green Lacewings

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Inheritance of seasonal cycles in Chrysoperla (Insecta: Neuroptera)
By Catherine A. Tauber & Maurice J. Tauber
Genetics Research, 49 (3): 215-223, 1987

A new look at adaptive body coloration and color change in “Common Green Lacewings” of the genus Chrysoperla
By Peter Duelli, James B. Johnson, Mario Waldburger, & Charles S. Henry
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 107(2): 382-388, 2014
Full title: A new look at adaptive body coloration and color change in “Common Green Lacewings” of the genus Chrysoperla (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae).


Systematics of North American chrysopid larvae: Chrysopa carnea group (Neuroptera)
By Catherine A. Tauber
The Canadian Entomologist 106(11), 1974


Note: The taxonomy is a bit out of date and differs to that used by BugGuide. The presented "carnea group" corresponds to the current treatment of the genus Chrysoperla (including both the carnea and pudica groups), and the presented "Chrysop carnea" refers to unconsolidated members of the Chrysoperla carnea group including C. plorabunda.

A taxonomic review of the common green lacewing genus Chrysoperla
By Brooks SJ
Bull. Br. nat. Hist. (Ent.) 63(2): 137-210 , 1994

includes key to world species

Chrysoperla mohave (Banks) Neuroptera: Chrysopidae: Two Familiar Species in an Unexpected Disguise
By Charles S Henry
Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, 99(4): 291-308, 1992

Confirming World-wide Distribution of an Agriculturally Important Lacewing, Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi, …
By Zoe Mandese (under Charles S. Henrey and Chris Simon)
University of Connecticut, 2018
Confirming World-wide Distribution of an Agriculturally Important Lacewing, Chrysoperlazastrowi sillemi, using Songs, Morphology, Mitochondrial Gene Sequencing, and Phylogenetic Reconstruction


Song Analysis Reveals a Permanent Population of the Mediterranean Lacewing Chrysoperla agilis (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) Living i
By Charles S. Henry, Stephen J. Brooks, James B. Johnson, Marta M. Wells, & Peter Duelli
Annals of the Entomological Society of America, Vol. 104, no. 4, pp. 649-657, 2011

Hidden Taxonomic Diversity within Chrysoperla plorabunda (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae): Two New Species Based on Courtship Songs
By Henry, C.S.; Wells M.[L.]M.; Pupedis, R.J.
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 86:1-13, 1993

This paper is the description of C. adamsi and C. johnsoni, split from C. plorabunda on the basis of their differing courtship songs. Together, these three may be referred to as the C. plorabunda species group. Additional notes on the distinction of this species group from our other carnea-group member, C. downesi, are also given.

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