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Larva in water

Larva in water
Great Brook Farm State Park, Carlisle, Massachusetts, USA
August 14, 2009
Caught it while looking for tadpoles.

I'm pretty sure it's a Tetragoneuria
We get a lot of these in the ponds where I do research. I am pretty confident in that genus level ID, but it's pretty hard to ID them to species even when you've got the specimen under a microscope!

What is distinctive?
I don't see enough features to take it through a key(1). Epitheca (Tetragoneuria) is distinguished from Epitheca (Epicordulia) by hairs on the prementum. It is also said to have lateral spines on abdominal segment 8. I only see them on segment 9 here, unless the ones on 8 are obscured by legs. Similarly, I don't see dorsal hooks but can't be sure none are present.

Moved from ID Request.

It's a libelluidae
of some kind. something close to genus libellula or Tetragoneuria but I couldn't tell you more unless I were able to look at its labium

This is a dragonfly larvae but couldn't even begin to tell you which one.

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