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Catapillar - Delaware Skipper? - Anatrytone logan

Catapillar - Delaware Skipper? - Anatrytone logan
Baton Rouge - BREC Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, USA
August 25, 2009
Size: 4 cm long
Found in patch of Savannah Panicgrass - phanopyrum gymncarpon - growing at the edge of the swamp.
Often times in standing water.

Wrapped up in a leaf of the grass.
(I will attach a picture of that later.)

To me, it looks like the caterpillar of a Delaware Skipper - anatrytone logan.
(See "Caterpillars of Eastern North America" by David L. Wagner - page 72-73.)
I did not find any photos of that caterpillar in BugGuide, but maybe I do not know where to look.

I will show several views.
If too many, please feel free to delete some.

The caterpillar was found just a few yards from where I took pictures of a skipper yesterday.

The skipper might be a Delaware Skipper ??

Images of this individual: tag all
Catapillar - Delaware Skipper? - Anatrytone logan Catapillar - Delaware Skipper? - Anatrytone logan Catapillar - Delaware Skipper? - Anatrytone logan Catapillar - Delaware Skipper? - Anatrytone logan Catapillar - Delaware Skipper? - Anatrytone logan Catapillar - Delaware Skipper? - Anatrytone logan

Moved from Grass Skippers.

use of caterpillar photo
Hello John,
I couldn't find your email so am posting my request here. I would like to use one of these images in the ROM Field guide to the Butterflies of Ontario with your permission. Could you contact me please? Thanks Antonia

Yes, you may use any of these pictures

You are welcome to use any or all of the caterpillar photos under: Catapillar - Delaware Skipper?
(I see I misspelled caterpillar)

Fun to hear they are being used.
Thanks for asking.

(I am also sending you a separate email)


Antonia, can you confirm the ID of John's caterpillar?
Also, you can often find emails of BugGuide contributors at the Moth Photographers Group contacts

Delaware Skipper
I am not an expert on caterpillars but my colleagues have not disputed the identification so I think we can be pretty certain of the id.

Moved from Skippers.


Moved from ID Request.

Yep, Delaware skipper
according to Wagners Caterpillars of Eastern North America

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