Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Catocala angusi Grote, 1876
Catocala angusi var. "Lucetta" Edwards, 1881
Catocala angusi var. "Edna" Beutenmüller, 1907
Phylogenetic sequence #930770
Explanation of Names
Named after James
Angus (died 1903) of West Farms, Bronx, New York, who collected the first specimens.
Lafontaine & Schmidt (2010) included 101 species of the genus
Catocala in America north of Mexico.
Powell & Opler (2009) reported 110 species in all of North America, and about 230 worldwide.
Two forms.
Form "lucetta" has wide black band from the basal area to the outer margin broken by the reniform spot.
Georgia to Kansas north to Michigan and east to Massachusetts.
Lectotype: West Farms, [Bronx, New York].
The flight period is June to October.
The larval food plant is Carya spp. (hickory).
Print References
Grote, A.R., 1876. On species of
The Canadian Entomologist, 8: