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Moth 09.07.25 (6) - Glyphidocera dimorphella

Moth 09.07.25 (6) - Glyphidocera dimorphella
Chantilly, Fairfax County, Virginia, USA
July 25, 2009
Attracted to light at night. Please help with ID.

Images of this individual: tag all
Moth 09.07.25 (6) - Glyphidocera dimorphella Moth 09.07.25 (6) - Glyphidocera dimorphella

Moved, Glyphidocera dimorphella
Moved from Glyphidocera.

ID Info?
I agree but how did you determine the ID? Or are these all tentative?

Somewhat tentative
Based on species descriptions and barcoded specimens, helped also by my realization that I have seen what seems to be meyrickella, which if I’m correct about these identifications is not especially difficult to differentiate. I also collected a few this summer and hope to confirm the identification.

I added this and others you placed at BG to the MPG page. I felt pretty sure even before but I marked them as tentative anyway. If you get a chance, I wouldn't mind if you checked the rest of the genus at MPG. Thanks!

Moved from Moths.

Thanks, Steve!

Glyphidocera dimorphella?
Pretty sure this is in Glyphidocera (see MPG images here) and it seeme to match BOLD images of G. dimorphella here. BOLD images of Glyphidocera meyrickella looks similar as well here.

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