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Earwig - Marava arachidis - female

Earwig - Marava arachidis - Female
Powhatan County, Virginia, USA
Can anyone ID this? - Thanks

Moved from Marava.

Moved from Earwigs.

The small number of antennal segments suggests Labiidae, and antennal segments at the ends which are very narrow at the base is characteristic of Marava.

Marava or Forficula
This looks to be an adult (winged) female (8 rather than 10 abdominal segments).

The important key character (not visible) is the 2nd tarsal segment: if it extends under the distal one and is dilated/wider than the segment it sticks out under, than it would be Forficulidae. Otherwise, it would probably be Spongiphoridae.

Within the Forficulidae, Doru has longitudinal stripes on the tegmina, while Setocordax has setae on head, pronotum and tegmina. That would leave Forficula

Within the Spongiphoridae, Labia and related genera would be pubescent on the tegmina, while Vostox would have distal antennal segments cylindrical in shape, rather than narrowed at the base like these are.

As for other families:
Labiduridae has at least 25 antennal segments
Pygidicranidae would be distinguishable by a padlike arolium between claws on the distal tarsal segment. The most distinctive feature would be curvature of the cerci, but that's only in males. The pictures I've seen, though, don't look like this, and there's only one species, restricted to Florida (so far).
Carcinophoridae either has no tegmina or they're reduced. The exception would be Carcinophora, which has yellow spots on the tegmina (the "spots" here look like the hindwings sticking out from under the tegmina).
Chelisochidae would be solid black all over.

That's the best I can do for now, using keys I've found on the internet. The keys are most reliable on adult males- females are a bit harder. It's also true that keys are an imperfect substitute for knowledge of the species themselves.

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