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syrphid fly - Dioprosopa clavata - female

syrphid fly - Dioprosopa clavata - Female
Lady Lake, Lake County, Florida, USA
October 1, 2005
Size: 12mm
I put the leaf and pupa in a jar and this is what emerged, Pseudodoros clavatus?

Images of this individual: tag all
larva of? - Dioprosopa clavata larva of? - Dioprosopa clavata syrphid fly - Dioprosopa clavata - female syrphid fly - Dioprosopa clavata - female

It is a female of Pseudodoros clavatus.
The real give-away next to it's general bodyform and -color, is the yellow scutellum with the black band across.
Very nice you also have pictures of the larva and the pupae, that is a rare find for the most species!
Gerard Pennards

Makes a complete set -
because I did the same with a male a while back - also found on milkweed. I had wondered if it was the same, but the larva was so different-looking I though it couldn't be. Are the larvae dimorphic?
See below for images.

I have some of those
also Hannah, I did not know what it was until I seen your photo, it looked like some kind of odd leach.

It turned out that Hannah's larva was a different individual than the pupa and adult she posted, just FYI.

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