Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Original combination: Caberodes cervinaria Packard 1873
Forewing 10 - 12.5 mm, mean 11.6 (n = 15) (C. Sexton)
Ground color is typically reddish brown but can vary from pale pinkish buff, to dull gray brown, to dark purplish brown; median area sometimes slightly darker; all wings commonly peppered with black scales. Narrow AM and PM lines complete, gently arching, creamy white with narrow dark margin on median side of each. Small black discal dots on all wings. Palpi, face, and vertex are usually contrasting pale buff. Has a relatively distinctive wing shape and resting posture: The costal margin of the forewing is sharply rounded at the base, relatively straight for much of its length (even slightly concave in some cases), and the apex is squared or slightly acute. Adults typically perch with forewings partially swept back, with hindwings half exposed. At lights, adults sometimes perch with wings closed over the body like a butterfly.
Larvae are pale gray with several pairs of black dots on each segment and an interrupted yellow lateral line. The first abdominal segment is typically bulbous. Most larvae have a narrow black dorsal crossbar on 1 to 4 (typically 3) abdominal segments. Later instars may have a wide dusky gray lateral band.
South-central US: Primarily eastern half of Texas and Oklahoma, barely entering western Arkansas and possibly western edge of Louisiana (?).
Recorded in all months in Texas, but primary flight is February - April with a secondary flight in September.
Associated with Yaupon - Ilex