Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
David Wahl's catalog of generic and higher names within Ichneumonidae is updated based on new publications and is the classification used by BugGuide. Names from Townes' revisions should be checked against this list for current status.

2022 edit: Replaced dead link

Wahl's generic and higher taxa lists
I think what you are looking for is here:

Formatted as active link...
Synoptic Lists of World Genera and Family-group Names by David Wahl, American Entomological Institute.

New link?
This link doesn't appear to work. Is there a new link?

Site is gone
The entire site is gone. I'm going to delete this reference unless somebody posts a new link.

John, I googled and found 16 scholarly articles that cited Wahl's paper, giving two different links to Ohio State. Neither work.

