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Species Blatta orientalis - Oriental Cockroach

Cockroach with ootheca - Blatta orientalis - female Blatta orientalis male? - Blatta orientalis - male What Bug is this??? - Blatta orientalis Roach type? - Blatta orientalis Black Bug - Blatta orientalis - female Misc 1 - Blatta orientalis - female Blatta orientalis? - Blatta orientalis Black Roach - Blatta orientalis
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Blattodea (Cockroaches and Termites)
Superfamily Blattoidea
Family Blattidae
Subfamily Blattinae
Genus Blatta
Species orientalis (Oriental Cockroach)
Other Common Names
Water Bug
Black Beetle
Adults 22- 27mm (about 1 inch)
Flightless. Males have wings covering 3/4 of their body length; females have only rudimentary wing stubs.
Relatively cool, damp areas - basements, crawl spaces. Not usually found on higher floors of buildings.
Omnivorous but prefers starchy or sugary foods. Often associated with garbage or decaying organic matter, indoors or out. Can survive one month without food as long as water is available, or two weeks with neither food nor water.
Life Cycle
Females lay rectangular brown egg cases referred to as ootheca. See Pictures from University of Nebraska for comparison of four common species' egg cases. They may lay one every month, up to eighteen in a lifetime. On average, 14 nymphs per egg case hatch about two months later. Nymphs grow and cast their skin 7 -10 times before reaching adulthood over the course of about 12 months. Adults generally live 1 - 6 months.