Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Wasp ID - Chalcedectus maculipennis

Wasp ID - Chalcedectus maculipennis
Norfolk, Virginia, USA
October 4, 2009
Size: ~3.5-4mm
Looks like a Chalcid to me.

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Wasp ID - Chalcedectus maculipennis Wasp ID - Chalcedectus maculipennis

Moved from Amotura.

Moved from ID Request.

Very nice detail in that shot
Very nice detail in that shot!

It appears to be in Pteromali
It appears to be in Pteromalidae. The metallic sheen, swollen hind femurs, and dorsally flattened abdomen all point to something in Amotura (formerly Chalcidectidae). Great shots!

Martin, Dennis...