Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Marpesia petreus (Cramer)
Orig. Comb: Papilio petreus Cramer 1776
Distinctive two-tone leaf-mimic underneath, orange with darker bars above. Spectactular "tails" on hindwings.
stray n. to se. AZ to s. TX, peninsular FL / Mex. / W. Indies -
Map (MPG)
Tropical lowland forests, in Florida, "hardwood hammocks".
year round in south Florida, most common May-July - MPG
Adults take nectar from a variety of plants, such as Asclepias and Mikania.
Life Cycle
Larvae feed on fig, Ficus species. In Florida this is likely to be Strangler Fig, Ficus aurea.
Print References
Raymond W. Neck (1977). Effects of the 1933 Hurricanes on Butterflies of Central and Southern Texas. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 31(1): 67.