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immature western black widow - Latrodectus hesperus - female

immature western black widow - Latrodectus hesperus - Female
Tuba City, Coconino County, Arizona, USA
August 1, 2009
Size: ~1cm
I found this spider outside. I don't remember the web.


Moved from ID Request. Yes, this is an immature black widow. If you found a black black widow in the same location it is very likely the same spider.

Wait for an expert, but...
looks quite a bit like this to me:

Western black widow (male or immature?)

Suporting evidence
No way! I just caught a larger spider that looks like the black widow in that image in the exact same spot, and this is several months later. Could it be the same individual? I'll have access to the camera in a day or two, so I could send pictures. =D

I suppose it's possible...
though I don't know how long they live. I'll bet one of BugGuide's resident spider experts will be able to shed more light on the matter.

I mean the other images of th
I mean the other images of that species.

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