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Subfamily Abraeinae

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Arizonacritus talayesvai, nouveau genre et nouvelle espèce des Etats-Unis d'Amérique et du Mexique (Coleoptera, Histeridae)
By Gomy Y., Warner W.B.
Bull. Soc. ent. France 118: 79-85, 2013

Synopsis of the Histeridae of the United States
By George H. Horn
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 13, No. 90, pp. 273-360 , 1873
Read online at JSTOR free.

Many species have been subsequently described and taxonomic changes have been made, but keys and descriptions are still helpful.

Habitat associations and phenology of sand dune hister beetles in the grasslands of western Canada (Coleoptera: Histeridae).
By Acorn J.L., C.X. Kee, J.R.N. Glasier.
The Coleopterists Bulletin, 74(3): 585-589., 2020

Acorn, J.L., C.X. Kee, J.R.N. Glasier. 2020. Habitat associations and phenology of sand dune hister beetles in the grasslands of western Canada (Coleoptera: Histeridae). The Coleopterists Bulletin, 74(3): 585-589.


Histerid beetle (Histeridae) phenology and habitat associations were inferred from specimens collected in pitfall traps on a grassland dune field near Empress, Alberta, Canada, during 3 May to 27 August 1984.

Four vegetation associations were identified by cluster analysis (Scurf Pea, Open Sand, Stabilized Dune, and Sand Flat) and 516 histerid beetles, representing 11 species, were collected in these zones, with an additional three species collected without microhabitat data.

New Coleoptera records from New Brunswick, Canada: Histeridae
By Webster R.P., Makepeace S., Demerchant I., Sweeney J.D.
Zookeys 179: 11-26, 2012

Seasonal distribution and diel flight activity of dung-attracted histerids in open and wooded pastures in East-central Texas.
By Summerlin et al. 1993. Southwestern Entomologist 18(4): 251-261.
Southwestern Entomologist, 1993
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The seasonal distribution and diel flight activity of dung-attracted Histeridae were determined in an open and wooded habitat of a cattle pasture in east-central Texas. Automated underground pitfall traps in the two habitats baìted with swine feces from March 1979 to November 1980 captured 9,558 histerids representing 12 genera and 21 species. The majority of specimens of 17 species were captured in the open-pasture habitat where 77.2% and 79.5% of the total number of beetles were captured in 1979 and 1980, respectively. Flight activity for most species began in March or April each year and ceased in October or November. All species exhibited diurnal flight behavior.

Beetles (Coleoptera: Histeridae and Scarabaeidae) from previously unsampled populations of pocket gopher burrows in Louisiana
By Connior, M.B. 2011.
Insecta Mundi, 2011
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Abstract. Pocket gopher burrows (Rodentia: Geomyidae) were sampled from five previously unsampled localities in northern Louisiana to determine the associated faunal composition of Histeridae and Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera). Sampling produced four species of Histeridae and seven species of Scarabaeidae, all of which had been previously reported from Louisiana. The most commonly collected scarab beetle was Cryptoscatomaseter haldemani (Horn) followed by Geomyphilus insolitus (Brown). Onthophilus kirni Ross was the most commonly collected hister beetle.

The insects and arachnids of Canada. Part 24. Coleoptera Histeridae
By Bousquet Y., Laplante S.
NRC Research press, Ottawa. 485 pp., 2006
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Record of two species of Histeridae new to the North American fauna...
By A.K. Tishechkin
The Coleopterists Bulletin, 64(3): 287–288, 2010
Full title: Record of two species of Histeridae new to the North American fauna, Hypocacculus metallescens (Erichson) and Atholus confinis (Erichson), in Florida

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