Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada

Genus Contacyphon

Contacyphon Gozis, 1886 removed from synonymy (Coleoptera: Scirtidae)...
By Zwick P., Klausnitzer B., Ruta R.
Entomologische Blätter und Coleoptera 109: 337-353, 2013
Full title: Contacyphon Gozis, 1886 removed from synonymy (Coleoptera: Scirtidae) to accommodate species so far combined with the invalid name, Cyphon Paykull, 1799.


Catalog of the Scirtidae of America north of Mexico (Coleoptera: Scirtoidea), with taxonomic and distributional notes
By Gimmel M.L., Epler J.H.
Col. Bull. 78: 319–334, 2024

A revision of the family Helodidae (Coleoptera) for America north of Mexico.
By Tetrault, R.C.
Ph.D. thesis, University of Wisconsin. 160 pp., 1967

Monophyletische Artengruppen der ehemaligen Gattung Cyphon Paykull, 1799 und Beschreibung von neuen Gattungen (Col., Scirtidae)
By Klausnitzer B.
Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 57: 255-262, 2013
Monophyletic species-groups of the former genus Cyphon and description of new genera (Coleoptera, Scirtidae). Three new genera described: Nyholmia [type species: Cyphon collaris (Guérin-Méneville 1843)] to accommodate species of the Cyphon collaris-group from North America & Japan; Exneria [monotypic; type species: Cyphon ruficollis (Say 1825)]; and Yoshitomia [type species: Cyphon beattyi (Pic 1918)] where the nearctic Cyphon spinulosus Klausnitzer 1978 may also belong.

New Coleoptera records from New Brunswick, Canada: Eucinetidae and Scirtidae
By Webster R.P., Sweeney J.D., Demerchant I.
Zookeys 179: 41-53, 2012

Four new Coleoptera (Elateridae and Buprestidae).
By Knull, J.N.
Entomological News 49: 19-22., 1938
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Knull, J.N. 1938. Four new Coleoptera (Elateridae and Buprestidae). Entomological News 49: 19-22.

Conoderus browni n. sp.
Limonius flavomarginatus n. sp.
Paratyndaris tucsoni n. sp.
Paratyndaris quadrinotata n. sp.

New North American associations of Coleoptera with Myxomycetes
By Stephenson S.L., Wheeler Q.D., McHugh J.V., Fraissinet P.R.
J. Nat. Hist. 28: 921–936, 1994

New southwestern Buprestidae and Cerambycidae with notes.
By Knull, J.N.
Ohio Journal of Science 37(5): 301-309., 1937
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Knull, J.N. 1937. New southwestern Buprestidae and Cerambycidae with notes. Ohio Journal of Science 37(5): 301-309.